Science Experiments for Key Stage 1

These science experiments Key Stage 1 are nice for college or house and ideal to take a seat alongside science within the classroom for Key Stage 1 within the UK or for kids aged between round 4 and seven who love science!

I’ve additionally received a FREE printable experiment sheet you possibly can print out to make use of with the investigations. Enormous due to Mrs Mactivity for creating it.

If a science problem is extra your factor, we’ve received some straightforward STEM challenges utilizing newspaper to strive. You may also like our Science Enjoyable at House concepts created in affiliation with the Major Science Instructing Belief.

Crops and Animals

Flower and Plant Investigation Concepts

Develop a sunflower and measure how tall it grows. Place two sunflowers so one is within the shade and one within the sunshine and examine the variations as they develop.

Our cress caterpillar is a superb long run investigation which covers the circumstances vegetation have to develop and what occurs in the event that they don’t obtain sufficient daylight.

Discover out why vegetation want water and find out about transport in vegetation with celery.

Develop a bean in a jar to find out about germination. Just like the cress you possibly can arrange two jars and hold one at nighttime and one within the gentle.

Bean in a jar with kitchen roll inside for a plant science activity

Dissecting a flower is an effective way to introduce the totally different components of a flower and their operate to kids. One other method to do that is to arrange a flower sensory tray.

Wildlife Watch has some nice plant and animal spotter sheets which could possibly be helpful for this matter too.

Plants and flower investigations for Key Stage 1 Science for Kids

Animals Together with People


Establish Physique Components

Train kids to determine and title physique components by drawing round themselves on a big sheet of paper, or with chalk outdoors and draw and label as a lot as they’ll.


Add the 5 senses ( odor with nostril, style with tongue, contact with fingers, hear with ears and see with eyes ) to the physique diagram.

image of a small child lying on the floor on top of a large piece of paper ready to be drawn around

Style science investigations

Eat a colored candy and have a look at the tiny bumps ( tastebuds ) on the tongue!

Tastebuds on the tongue

Picture taken from Gross Science

Attempt to eat one thing whereas holding your nostril. You must discover you possibly can’t style as effectively with out your sense of odor to assist. When folks have a chilly they typically lose their sense of style as they’ve a blocked up nostril.

Scent Science Investigations

Selected a number of smelly meals and place a small quantity in a paper cup. Cowl the cup with foil and ask a pal to raise the foil up a tiny bit and guess the meals from the odor. Garlic, lemon, orange and different herbs work effectively for this.

Significance of train and a nutritious diet

Diet actions for Key Stage 1

Create a wholesome lunchbox containing fruit and greens, a supply of protein, fibre and a supply of power.

Type actual meals into the next teams, a enjoyable method to do that is to attract circles in chalk outdoors for every group.

Fruit and Greens

Protein – nuts, meat and dairy

Fat – butter and vegetable oil

Fibre – bread, rice

Power – pasta

Significance of Hygiene

The nice previous glitter and hand cream exercise is nice for exhibiting young children why they need to wash their palms, however bear in mind to make use of bio glitter.

two hands covered in hand cream and glitter for a germ science investigation

The Human Skeleton

Discover out why now we have bones by making straightforward fashions of the backbone, discovering out the names of human bones and even making a flexible bone!

Human tooth

Study in regards to the significance of retaining tooth clear with eggs!

Add play dough plaque to a jaw mannequin and clear it off.

giant teeth

Create play dough mouth fashions exhibiting the several types of tooth. Incisors, canines and molars.

Human health and hygiene experiments for Key stage 1 #scienceforkids #funscience #humanhealth

Supplies Science for Key Stage 1

Attempt some toy sorting, interested by the properties of the totally different supplies they’re constructed from.

I’ve additionally received a large assortment of concepts for studying about supplies together with making a superhero cape, making a superhero float and even a magnet maze.

In the event you’ve received kids who prefer to construct, strive one among our concepts for studying about supplies with a constructing matter!

One other concept is to make a raincoat for a doll or an umbrella for Incy Wincy.

Attempt some sinking and floating with a foil boat and plenty of cash.

Contemplate modifications of state by melting chocolate and letting it set once more.

Seasonal Change Actions for Youngsters

Mannequin the altering seasons with LEGO or strive one among our climate science experiments.

a lego model of a tree showing how it changes each season

Electrical energy for Key Stage 1

Discover out about static electrical energy with some leaping tissue paper frogs! Merely rub the balloon in your hair and maintain it over the tissue paper frog which is able to then soar up in the direction of the balloon.

A tissue paper frog shape jumping up to a blue balloon that has been charged with static electricity

Find out about electrical energy with play dough circuits. These are nice enjoyable and really straightforward after getting the appropriate gear.

conductive play dough connected by an LED

Forces and Movement Investigations

Find out about forces by making a friction ramp and testing how lengthy automobiles take to journey down it.

Lollystick catapults are straightforward to make and in addition an effective way to display forces.

Pokemom catapult

Shadows for Key Stage 1 Science

Make a shadow body or shadow puppets utilizing cardboard and call paper or attempt to make a human sundial.

Shadow frame

In the event you’ve received another science experiments for Key Stage 1 we’d like do let me know and in case you strive any I’d love you to share and tag me on social media ( @sciencesparks )

Extra Science for Youngsters

Attempt my HUGE assortment of Early Years science experiments and investigations. There are concepts for Pirates, Underneath the Sea, Individuals Who Assist Us and Nursery Rhyme themes.

I even have a few science books you may like too! This IS Rocket Science incorporates SEVENTY enjoyable house themed experiments for youths and Snackable Science 60 enjoyable edible experiments and checks!

Easy science experiments for Key Stage 1 children. Topic covered are animals including humans, nutrition, light, forces and materials #KeyStage1 #Scienceforkids #scienceexperimentsforkids

Final Up to date on September 21, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

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