Making Homeschooling in London Easier for Parents

Homeschooling in London can be an overwhelming task for parents, especially if they are new to it. With numerous resources available, it is essential to know how to organize them to create a successful learning environment for your children. If you are looking to make homeschooling in London more manageable for yourself, here are some tips on how to do it.

Create a Schedule

The best way to make homeschooling in London easier is to create and stick to a schedule. Begin by allocating specific hours for learning, including time for breaks and a quiet learning environment.

For instance, begin with a morning routine that includes breakfast, followed by a short review of what was covered the previous day. You can then proceed to cover the subjects of the day, with time for lunch and some outside activities.

Remember that this should not be a rigid schedule; rather, it should be a guide for how your day should look like. Creating a schedule can help your children remain focused and keep their minds stimulated.


Homeschooling may seem isolating, but it does not have to be. With numerous homeschooling groups in London, you can provide ample opportunities for your children to socialize and interact with others. Groups like the Home Education Hub and Home Schooling UK provide a platform for both parents and children to make new friends and participate in various activities.

These groups also offer additional resources like textbook swaps, support groups, and group outings. Having a network of other homeschooling families can be beneficial in creating a successful homeschooling experience for your child.

Utilize Available Resources

London is a vast city, providing numerous resources that can make homeschooling easier. The city provides a wealth of cultural resources, such as museums, galleries, and even historical sites. Some of these museums like the British Museum and the Science Museum offer free admission, making them ideal for homeschooling families on a budget.

London also boasts of well-established libraries with books covering virtually every subject. Making use of these resources can help make the learning experience more versatile and appealing for your child.

Explore Online Learning

Technology has made it possible for homeschooling in London to be an exciting and fun experience. With websites such as Khan Academy and Scholastic, parents can access numerous resources that can supplement their homeschooling curriculum.

Additionally, online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and edX offer a vast range of courses, both paid and free, making it easier for your child to learn in the comfort of your home.


Homeschooling is a challenging but rewarding experience for parents in London. With adequate planning, organization, and support, you can create a successful homeschooling experience for your child. Remember that the aim of homeschooling is to provide a flexible and customized learning experience for your child. Embrace it and enjoy the journey!

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